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Welcome to @ QBE Connect


@QBEConnect is our claims reporting system, an online reporting and analysis tool that enables you to manage your claims and reporting on current data. This reporting tool provides you with access to current information giving you the power to respond faster to your business.

@QBEConnect Gives You:

  • Online access to current data
  • Easy to use graphical interface
  • Fast access to standard reports
  • Ability to build, print and export reports in Excel, HTML and PDF format
  • Information on a national level from our data mart
  • Up-to-date monitoring of incidents and claims
  • Control of system administration
  • Ability to co-brand reports with your company logo

Latest Enhancements

NEW UPDATE - @QBEConnect Access
Your @QBE Connect logon is deativated if not used in the last 2 months.  This does not preclude you from using @QBE Connect in the future. All you need to do to reactivate your access is simply contact your QBE Represetative who will reset your profile.

Schedule A Report
You are now able to set the functionality for reports to be emailed to you automatically on a pre-determined scheduled time and date set by you.

Nil Claims Report
A new standard report 'Number Of Claims Per Policy' is available to give you a complete picture of policies per company with nil claims. This report is applicable to NSW and Active states policies only.


Like To Know More?


If you would like additional information about the recent enhancements to @QBEConnect, please contact your QBE Business Relationship Manager or email qbeconnect.reporting@qbe.com.

Click here to read our recent QBE Connect newsletter and / or newsflash.







Help & Support

For QBE Clients

Pelase refer any @ QBE Connect queries to your QBE Business Relationship Manager or QBE Contact.

For QBE Staffs

Please email any @ QBE Connect queries to Client Services at client.services@qbe.com